ACHIEVE Group celebrated our 27th Anniversary at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Singapore with a Chinese mythical theme titled as “Chinese Legendary”.

The event turnout was spectacular with all our staff all dressed up flamboyantly for this special affair. We have our CEO, Mr. Joshua Yim, the master impersonator appearing as preeminent Justice Bao at the event opening and even as the eminent Tang Sanzang for the most anticipated skit titled as Journey to the West.
Not forgetting the hard work and contributions rendered by our staff, ACHIEVE Group had taken the opportunity to appreciate our long serving staffs for their unyielding dedication of service to the company.
With our CEO and staff participants performing in a series of hilarious theatrical skits plus fun filled games and best dress contest, the entire celebration was embraced with lots of reverberating laughter and joy throughout. Undeniably, ties between teams strengthen and strong bonds have deepen which made this year’s D&D marked yet another memorable and unforgettable milestone for ACHIEVE Group.